College of Charleston - European Studies
Requirements: Cluster A
HIST 231 Ancient Greece
HIST 232 Ancient Rome
HIST 234 Early Middle Ages
HIST 235 High Middle Ages
HIST 242 Modern France
HIST 243 Germany from 1618-1866
HIST 244 Germany from 1866 to Present
HIST 245 Tsarist Russia
HIST 246 Imperial Russia
HIST 252 Women in European History
HIST 256 History of Science and Technology
HIST 258 European Jewish History since the Middle Ages
HIST 291 Medical History
HIST 334 European Social History to 1800
HIST 336 Italian Renaissance
HIST 337 Age of Reformation
HIST 341 Age of Enlightenment and Revolution
HIST 342 Europe from 1870 to 1939
HIST 343 Europe since 1939
HIST 344 Modern European Cultural History
HIST 345 Modern German Cultural and Intellectual History
HIST 346 History of the Soviet Union
HIST 354 Tudor England
HIST 355 Stuart England
HIST 356 Georgian England
HIST 357 Victorian Britain
Castle in the Loire valley, France.
PHIL 203 Philosophy of Human Nature
PHIL 205 Existentialism
PHIL 220 Ancient Philosophy
PHIL 230 Modern Philosophy
PHIL 235 19th Century Philosophy
PHIL 250 Marxism
PHIL 307 20th Century Continental Philosophy
Front View: Notre Dame - Paris, France.
POLS 346 Modern Ideologies  
RELS 202 The New Testament
RELS 225 The Jewish Tradition
RELS 230 The Christian Tradition
RELS 330 Origins of Christianity
Rear View: Notre Dame - Paris, France.

SOCI 260 Development of Social Thought